Friday, September 21, 2007

haunted place in mississauga

Mississauga - Cherry Hill HouseMississauga's Cherry Hill House Restaurant was built in the early 1800s and moved to it's present location in the 1970s. Reported events in the home started with a hoax. A night watchman was scared badly when he spotted a "ghostly" intruder but almost twenty years later, the person responsible for this haunting stepped forward and admitted his prank. Aside from this event, there are also not-so-easily explained instances such as electrical work that had been done one day being un-done the next and the same electricians tell of hearing ghostly noises, voices and unexplained sounds during their work. One workman decided to spend the night after working late and was awoken surprised to see what he described as the heads of native Canadian's floating out of the fireplace. Interestingly enough, the new rocks used in the foundations of the home did come from a native burial ground nearby. There have also been reports of a young girl riding a white horse passed the house and mysterious footsteps wandering around the old building. Have you had an experience in the restaurant? Perhaps another haunting in Mississauga?

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